TypeScript Config SDK Quick Start


npm install @autoblocks/client

Create a config class

You can create a config class using AutoblocksConfig and specifying the value type.

type RemoteConfigSchema = {
  my_val: string;

const config = new AutoblocksConfig<RemoteConfigSchema>({
  my_val: 'initial-val',

// Usage

Create a remote config

Go to the configs page and click Create Config to create your first config. The config must be valid JSON.

The code samples below are using this example config:

Activate the remote config

Create a single instance of the config class for the lifetime of your application. The only required argument when initializing a config is the default value.

import { AutoblocksConfig } from '@autoblocks/client/configs';
import { z } from 'zod';

const zRemoteConfigSchema = z.object({
  my_val: z.string().min(1),

type RemoteConfigSchema = z.infer<typeof zRemoteConfigSchema>;

const config = new AutoblocksConfig<RemoteConfigSchema>({
  my_val: 'initial-val',

await config.activateFromRemote({
  config: {
    id: 'my-remote-config',
    version: {
      major: 1,
      latest: true,
  parser: zRemoteConfigSchema.parse,

// Usage

Develop locally against a remote config revision that hasn't been deployed

As you create new revisions in the UI, your private revisions (or revisions that have been shared by your teammates) can be pulled down using dangerouslyUseUndeployed:

import { AutoblocksConfig } from '@autoblocks/client/configs';
import { z } from 'zod';

const zRemoteConfigSchema = z.object({
  my_val: z.string().min(1),

type RemoteConfigSchema = z.infer<typeof zRemoteConfigSchema>;

const config = new AutoblocksConfig<RemoteConfigSchema>({
  my_val: 'initial-val',

await config.activateFromRemote({
  config: {
    id: 'my-remote-config',
    dangerouslyUseUndeployed: {
      latest: true,
  parser: zRemoteConfigSchema.parse,

// Usage