
Autoblocks Explore serves as a powerful tool to search, filter, and visualize your data. Whether you're debugging a production bug, diagnosing performance issues, or exploring trends this tool allows you to effortlessly sift through complex data to find the insights you need.

Group by trace

Autoblocks Explore defaults to a trace view to allow for simpler analysis of correlated events. You can switch to a flat event view by disabling the "Group by trace" toggle at the top of the page.

Using the search bar you can search for any text that is contained in your events. For example, if you want to find an event or a trace containing an event with a property containing the word budget, simply type the word budget into the search bar.

Date filtering

Filtering your data by date is crucial when you want to isolate events, analyze trends, or troubleshoot issues within specific time frames. Autoblocks Explore offers both relative and absolute date filtering options.


You can easily filter data relative to the current time by choosing one of the following preset options:

  • Last 1 hour
  • Last 3 hours
  • Last 24 hours
  • Last 3 days
  • Last 7 days

To use a relative date filter, open the "Date Filter" dropdown to the right of the search input and select one of the preset relative options.


For more specific data querying, you can set your own custom date range.

  • Open the "Date Filter" dropdown.
  • Select "Custom"

You can then either modify the date range using the input box or the calendar in the "Date Filter" dropdown.


Autoblocks Explore allows you to go beyond basic search queries by enabling you to filter your data by any property value. There is also built in functionality to build advanced filters for traces.

Example: Filter for presence of multiple events in a trace

Find traces that contain both:

  • at least one event where the message is model.input and the input.searchQuery property contains poem
  • at least one event where the message is user.feedback and the feedback property equals negative

Create a trace filter with the following conditions:

  • message equals model.input
  • input.searchQuery contains poem

Create a second trace filter with the following conditions:

  • message equals user.feedback
  • feedback equals negative

Example: Filter for absence of event in a trace

Find traces that:

  • contain at least one event where the message is model.input and the input.searchQuery property contains poem
  • do not contain any events where the message is user.feedback

Create a trace filter with the following conditions:

  • message equals model.input
  • input.searchQuery contains poem

Create a second trace filter with the following conditions:

  • message equals user.feedback
  • Change "Trace contains event matching filters" to "Trace does not contain event matching filters"

Chart options

Autoblocks Explore provides robust visualization options to help you analyze your data through various types of charts, groupings, and visualization options.

Chart type

You can choose from the following chart types:

  • Graphs

    • Bar for categorical data
    • Stacked Bar for categorical data where the bars are stacked vertically instead of horizontally
    • Line for time series data
  • Stats

    • Number for showing a single number aggregated over the selected time interval


Granularity allows you to select the time interval for aggregation in the chart. The following options are available:

  • 1 Minute
  • 5 Minutes
  • 30 Minutes
  • Hour
  • Day

Breakdown by

You can use the breakdown by option to view the count of events broken down by a property value. For example, if you want to see the count of events broken down by the property provider, you can select provider from the breakdown by dropdown menu.


Visualize allows you to display aggregations of properties in different ways. Autoblocks will aggregate the property across all events where the property exists. It will also take into account the filters and search query you have set. The following options are available:

  • Average: Calculates the average of a property.
  • Count
    • If group by trace is enabled: counts the number of traces matching the filters.
    • If group by trace is disabled: counts the number of events matching the filters.
  • Distinct: Counts the number of unique values for a property.
  • Max/Min: Shows the highest and lowest values of a property, respectively.
  • Median: Calculates the median of the property.
  • Percent Of: Allows you to compare the percentage of traces in a trace filter compared to another trace filter.
  • Percentile: Calculates the percentile of the property. For example, the 90th percentile of a property would be the value that is greater than 90% of the values of the property.
  • Sum: Calculates the sum of the property.

Modify chart colors

You can modify the colors of the chart by clicking on the color swatch next to the property name in the chart legend.


You can share the url of your current view with anyone in your organization. The url will contain the search query, filters, and chart options you have set. The next guide will also teach you how to save your configuration as a View so you can revisit it later or add it to a dashboard.