These endpoints allow you to programmatically interact with your views. You can create a view by going to the Explore page in Autoblocks:
Get a list of views
This endpoint returns a list of all of your views.
It is useful for getting the id
of a view so that you can use other endpoints that require a view's id
Code samples for getting a list of views
curl '' \
--header "Authorization: Bearer $AUTOBLOCKS_API_KEY"
"id": "cljzx8zhd00077w3sqredd0fz",
"name": "My First View"
Get a list of traces for a view
This endpoint allows you to paginate through traces from a given view.
Traces are returned in descending order based on the trace's starting timestamp
, and within a trace, events are in ascending order based on the event's timestamp
The nextCursor
property returned in the response can be used to get the next page of traces.
When there are no more traces, nextCursor
will not be defined.
Query parameters
- Name
- Type
- string (required)
- Description
How many traces to return per page. Must be an integer between 1 and 100.
- Name
- Type
- string
- Description
Optional field used for paginating through traces. This should be set to the
field returned from the previous request.
Code samples for getting a list of traces from a view
curl '' \
--header "Authorization: Bearer $AUTOBLOCKS_API_KEY"
"nextCursor": "eyJ0aW1lc3RhbXAiOiIyMDIzLTAxLTAxVDAwOjAwOjAxLjEyM1oiLCJldmVudElkIjoiZXZlbnQtMSJ9",
"traces": [
"id": "b3f8c1c0-9b0b-11eb-8dcd-0242ac130003",
"events": [
"id": "cljzxfcxr00077w1yvis84a72",
"traceId": "b3f8c1c0-9b0b-11eb-8dcd-0242ac130003",
"timestamp": "2021-04-08T18:00:00.000Z",
"message": "model.input",
"properties": {
"input": "Write me a poem"